Winter may seem the worst time of year to prune trees. After all, they are bare, and pruning them back just makes them look even more fragile and naked. But Winter is actually the best time for several reasons.
Less Stress – Most trees hibernate, or go dormant, during the Winter. So the tree has extra energy reserves and is able to heal more quickly. Pruning in the Winter supports vigorous growth in the Spring.
Limited Pest Exposure – The diseases and pests that infect pruning cuts are also dormant during the Winter months. Pruning in Winter prevents their chances of sneaking into the pruned cuts.
Leaf-less Timing – When there are no leaves on the tree, it is much easier to see the best spots to prune to sustain the structural integrity of the tree. Vulnerable areas, like damaged or diseased branches, are more apparent, and removing them may save the life of the whole tree.
Lovelier Trees – Winter pruning sets the shape for the trees to grow in Spring, avoiding interference with walkways and structures.
Longer lifespan – Though it may sound harsh, severe pruning is sometimes necessary for older trees to promote better health, thus expanding the tree’s natural life.
So don’t worry when you see SKB Industries crews lopping a limb or trimming a twig. It’s the best thing for your property’s trees. And just like a haircut, it all grows back in a few weeks.